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Around Town: Celebrating Dodransbicenntenial…huh?

A newly placed banner on Byron Township’s website stirred some questions.  It was announced that this year, 2011 Byron Township would be celebrating its Dodransbicenntenial birthday.  Not even spell check recognized this crazy name, so a little investigation began.

A dodransbicenntenial (also referred to as dodrabicenntenial or dequasbicenntenial) is the celebration of 175 years.  The term comes from the Latin contraction dodrans which means one quarter less than a whole.  Since 175 is one quarter less than the whole of 200, the anniversary of dodransbicenntenial was born.  (Thank you wikipedia).

And thank you to the founding fathers of Byron Township (listed here on the history page) for beginning your farm and little community 175 years ago in 1836.  A little has changed since then!

In honor the 175th anniversary of this great town, do you think  its possible to come up 175 reasons to love Byron Center?  What would you add to the list?


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