Byron Center Condominiums | Models Open By Appointment

Custom Condo with a 3 Stall Garage

In this ever changing real estate market, we’ve noticed another change; condo buyers don’t want to sell all of their toys before they move into a condo. We frequently have prospective buyers come in to look at our condos and ask, ‘where will my boat, or classic car, or motorcycle, or son/daughters car, or wood working shop go?’ Our answer to that is simple, add a third stall to the garage!

Our largest floor plan, the Rosewood is ideally suited for a 3rd stall, and a handful of sites in the Greens of Sierrafield can accommodate this larger condo.


Our design for this condo will include a full 3rd stall, rather than an ‘over sized 2 stall’. The garage will have 1-18′ overhead door, and 1-9′ overhead door.

Reserve your location today, as sites that can accommodate this condo are limited, and going quickly!

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