Byron Center Condominiums | Models Open By Appointment

Define What You Are Looking For: Video 3

Before you start walking through homes, it is important that you create a home buyers priority list. By creating a list, you are able to narrow your search and find exactly what you are looking for in your future your home.

As you create your list, consider:

  • How many bedrooms you would like?
  • How many acres you would like?
  • How many bathrooms you would like?
  • What type of home you would like?
  • Where, geographically, do you want to live?
  • What type of flooring would you like?
  • What school district would you like to live in?
  • How many square feet would you like?

In general, ask yourself: where would we rather be?

This list will also help keep you realistic about what you can afford, what your big picture actually looks like, and what things actually matter to you today!

So, we encourage you to sit down and get honest with yourself. Create your list. Then when we meet up, be sure to bring your list along, too. We’ll take a look through your list and help you find the house you’re looking for.

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