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Home and Garden Show Tips

Sierrafield has been to a number of trade shows in recent years.  From our experience, here are a few helpful hints- proper tools if you will- that will make your experience at the West Michigan Home and Garden Show more enjoyable and successful.

Be prepared to be pitched.  There will be sales representatives for all sorts of companies and products.  They will most likely be eager to show you their product or get your information.  This is a marketing tool for most companies.  If you are not interested, simply a polite, “No thank you” is appreciate. The exhibitors are  doing their job.  If you are looking to avoid a lot of the ‘sales pitches’ come later in the show or later in the day as most of the representatives will be tired and less eager to get your attention.

Time Commitment.  There is a lot to look at and see at a show of this size.  Be prepared to spend at least 2-4 hours just looking at all of the exhibits, more if you have specific vendors to seek out or stage shows you want to take in.

Avoid peak times.  The crowds are often thick at this amazing show.  Avoiding peak times such as right at opening and weekend hours will help if you aren’t fond of the crowds.

Bring your camera and a notebook to write down or take pictures of ideas that you see.  This will help you prioritize the many business cards or marketing materials you may recieve as well.

Try not to bring young kids.  While Saturday is family day and offers many great events for children, avoiding the preschool and younger ages is suggested.  There often isn’t a lot of aisle room for strollers and it is a busy, loud, and boring environment for the little tikes.  From personal experience of having my toddler hanging around, you will be more successful and they will have more fun if left at home with Grandma.

Wear good walking shoes and light layers.  While it is cold outside, it can get stuffy very fast in a room filled with garden blooms, 350 exhibits, and thousands of people. 

For more information on the Home and Garden Show click here.

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