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How is the Real Estate Market in Sierrafield? February 2022 Report

How is the real estate market doing? How much is your condo in Sierrafield worth?

The Spica Real Estate team provides a monthly video update to any interested Sierrafield owners about condo prices in Sierrafield. 

Here are some highlights from this month’s update (and the full video is below!):

What is the real estate market like in Sierrafield right now?  Here is the February 2022 Market update from the Spica Real Estate team:

  • There’s not too much to report.
  • We have NOT had a new or pre-owned condo hit the market in two months, which usually means there are going to be quite a few coming up on the market very shortly.  This will tend to drive the price up because of demand.
  • Remember, the Spring market actually hits early January.  If you are at all considering selling, now is a fantastic time because there is nothing on the market, leaving very little for your condo to compete with.
  • We are also seeing interest rates starting to climb.  Buyers are jumping into the market now rather than waiting till Spring.

If you are thinking at all about selling your condo and are curious to see how this report impacts you and the value of your condo, give us a call at (616) 730-1254 anytime with any questions you may have.  Or if you know of anyone that would like to move into the neighborhood, please have them reach out to us.  We’d love to chat with them about some of the new condos that we have coming up or some of the pre-owned condos as they become available!


You can also review details of any condos in Sierrafield currently on the market by visiting this page on our site: Current Listings.

Do you want this video sent directly to your email inbox each month?  Sign up for email updates on the Spica Real Estate team’s site:

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