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How is the Real Estate Market in Sierrafield? September 2022 Report

How is the real estate market doing? How much is your condo in Sierrafield worth?

The Spica Real Estate team provides a monthly video update to any interested Sierrafield owners about condo prices in Sierrafield. 

Here are some highlights from this month’s update (and the full video is below!):

What is the real estate market like in Sierrafield right now?  Here is the September 2022 Market update from the Spica Real Estate team:

  • 1270 & 1272 Sand Springs is the newest building to go up. These are our 3-Stall garage condos.
  • Properties 4 & 5 are our 2-stall garage condos right next door. Just a little bit further ahead in construction.
  • 7397 Cactus Cove is just about to go pending and will probably be sold by the time we do this report next month.
  • 7368 Sierrafield Drive as I understand it should now be closed. We’ll see that one reported closed next time we do this report.
  • 7398 Cactus Cove was listed and sold between the time we did our last report and today’s report. The sale happened very quickly.
  • I want to point out the two ranch-style condos on Mesa Junction numbers 12 & 16. Those were basically the same condo with a few different finishes on the inside but sold for very similar prices. Which is always interesting to see and study.

As always, if you have any questions about anything in Sierrafield, what your condo might be worth, what’s happening in the real estate market, or any questions about your condo or real estate, we would love to be able to help you in any way that we can.

If you are thinking about selling your condo and are curious to see how this report impacts you and the value of your condo, give us a call at (616) 730-1254.


You can also review details of any condos in Sierrafield currently on the market by visiting this page on our site: Current Listings.

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